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  • OK, here goes. I've been reading the forum several times a day for about a year. I know, shame on me for not posting very often and I will be happy to change that. My point here is that you can't let a minority of those who do not agree with the …
  • Best movie I've every seen. I applaud Mel Gibson for putting his career on the line to tell the story that needs to be told. I've gone several times and each time I pick up something different that I didn't see the previous time. Each time I go I…
  • Our company is closed on Friday. It is one of our nine paid holidays.
  • I always have every employee sign for their handbooks. I am currently defending our company against an ex employee who denies knowing about certain company policies. I handed over her signed acknowledgement that she recieved her handbook - BINGO!!…
  • We have one of these $.25 machines in our lunchroom as well as our usual vending machines. The employees love it because they don't have to buy an entire bag of M&Ms when they just need a little something for their sweet tooth. There are peanu…
  • I did talk with the other manager on the trip but he was not in the cab when the alleged kiss took place. He was with the two of them at the trade show the following day and said that she acted completely normal and neither of them acted strange or…
  • I have been addicted to this forum for about six months now, visiting several times a day when time permits. I have only responded to two threads during this time so I wouldn't consider myself an "active" player but I want you guys to know that I'v…
  • I agree with Don 100% Bravo
  • I think you're being scammed! I've had calls like this and I refuse to respond to them or pay a nickle. I also receive scam invoices in the mail for publications I did not order. Isn't it sad that some people will reach to incredible lows in orde…
  • I am the HR Mgr for a company of 50 employees. I currently have the payroll responsibility but at one time Accounting took care of payroll. It worked pretty well when Accounting was performing the payroll duties with the exception of the "HR" issu…