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  • Whenever an ee is eligible for FMLA and out on W/C we run the leaves concurrently. What does your plan document say about termination of coverage? That is what you must follow. We amended ours to term coverage after 15 wks of leave (disability and c…
  • Sorry for the R instead of S! It really has worked out well for us. The only problem is the center has limited hours available- only 8:00 - 2:30 - so the motivation to return to reg duty is not as great for those on 2nd shift or our Route Sales peo…
  • No, not for us. The center is paid by the companies they do work for but we are not one of them. We consider it to be a form of "community service" and for us, it works better than in-house light duty work because we believe the employee is more mot…
  • Sure you don't want to chair them?
  • Does your state allow you to designate a panel of providers for treating work-related injuries? If so (since it appears you do not have one) you should establish a panel ASAP....and obviously not include a former ee! It won't help for this case, but…