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  • I'm catching up on a couple of responses with this "reply" as I've been on the road for the last week or so and unable to get to this web site. We confirmed the employee in question is not confusing exempt and non-exempt. She fully understands tha…
  • I'd already checked to make sure there were no pre-hire agreements that promised a cap on hours worked. There is none -- so we're OK on that front. But thanks for the reminder -- that's just the kind of thing that is easy to overlook. Thanks for …
  • Thanks, Peyton.
  • I hadn't thought of the problem in terms of the domestic violence angle. I should have -- but didn't. Now that you point out this other dimension, it is obvious that it should have been part of our discussion as to what to do for the individual. …
  • It's been a couple of weeks since I posted my concern and I thought it was time to bring those following this topic up to speed and, for now, close it out. We referred the troubled individual to our EAP with what appears to be great success. A few…
  • Again, thanks for everyone's input. Message received and understood -- "Let the buyer beware." BillG
  • Everyone has confirmed my suspicions. Thanks for the confirmation. I'll deal with the callers accordingly -- if they ever call back!! BillG
  • I too would like a copy of your DV policy. Please send to [email][/email] Thanks. BillG