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  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. you guys know that. But we can't have it all so therefore we pick what we like in a "pretty face" I agree men think about physical appeareance more so. I actually like a man over 200lb. At least 5'9 or taller. …
  • I am a sexy she-devil. Complete with fishnet stocking, 3inch heels and a red dress and cape. Don't forget the horns & pitch fork. People having trouble concentrating today. Not me. My wish is my command. x}>
  • Marc, That was real funny. I just had to laugh when you said the line was busy! Get out. Well men are easy as your title goes but hey who wouldn't want all those things. I actually fit the description (except for the hunting thing) x;-) I think D…
  • WOW! That was great. The good ol days! My kids look at me and ask" how could you?" Hey it was the times. Some great times.
  • I agree with Don. You can dress it up anyway you like it. Look at it and then give it to me! OK I'll be nice. You can have one. Frame it and put it next to the deer's head and the gun. Don't forget to dust! x:7
  • Count me in please [email][/email] Thanks
  • That is a shame. I would have my name changed too. I went to school with a James A James (sister Jasmine) and a Kenny Kenney (Brother Kevin)I guess the parents had sense at least one out of thier two kids.
  • Ive got one for you. A local restuarant was marketing business for thier after work happy hour events. A fax was send to me with her name signed Honey Dewitt. I had to call her to make sure it wasn't a hoax. This was indeed her name I told her she …
  • Another Black beauty eh? Must be a PA thing!
  • How about Lil drummer boy Blue
  • Hey Ray, What color is it? That might help with a name.
  • I've always named my cars too. Here's a list Silver Montero ~ The millineum Falcon Blue Honda(RIP)~ the X wing fighter Toyota (Rip)~ Jabba the Hut Chevy ~ LUKE Those were my Star wars years( Ex Husbands ideas) I now have a Black Honda Accord name…
  • Funny I am defintely a real woman due to attitude. But I love to cook! So I guess I'm a lady too. It depends on the day of the week I guess! Hey, when I'm watching sports on TV and drinking some "good" beer, stuffing my face with nachos & hot w…
  • Ok Here it is. I'm 34..So Who am I?
  • Hold tight down there! My name would be Marie Spruce. How about the street where I grew up. Marie Poppy. Cool!
  • I will fax you what we have. You may change and modify to your own needs but you'll get the jist it.
  • The policy is very vague on this since. I believe when they stated p/t it was everyday 5 hours or less. Something to that effect. She seems to be an exception to the "norm" But, I'm new here so that's on my things to do list. Thanks for your help.
  • So we should give them the Holiday Time. But since nobody else gets "time" per se, this p/t r should have to use time during the holiday week. I think I would prefer that Tues. And how about pay? And average for the week or the 8 hour day?
  • My experience working for an employment agency. We usually got the question: "positive for what?" HMM Been to any parties recently? But if they wanted a copy I would give it to them. When it came time for them to pick it up, I would offer to have th…
  • Definitely check the new HIPPA rules. Also, Do you allow personal days because lots of people that call in sick are not really sick. Also, How about the same symptons that could be for a number of different ailments. I'm not sure I would feel comfor…
  • I admit, I'm still on Holiday. x:-8. What I meant to say kent. Go to the HR Document 911 forum and look into past topics. You will find one from May of last year that might give you a good start. Is that better Don? I will behave in the future! x;-)
  • Come on. I'm sure DJ can do better than that one! right?? ;;)
  • want the tat in the middle of my lower back. not much meat there. But I'm big girl. I can do it! You only live once. A naval ring? no way. That needle is HUGE!! looks cute. I play it safe and wear a belly chain. Oh well! have a great day! meetings…
  • Good Morning all, Interesting subject so early in the morning but I am learning this is ususal. I'm getting a tatto this weekend and I'm scared to death. Pain & I do not get along. I want a scorpian on my lower back. About how long would it tak…
  • Thank you for your imput. I believe the question was within the seven year period. It's been about 2 weeks and he hasn't heard anything. So he is breathing a little easier.
  • I would love a copy as well. Please send to [email][/email] Thanks
  • I see nothing wrong with a reminder to everyone in the group. First you get to adress the 2 in question and the person who compains knows for certain that the issues was not taken lightly and possibly anyone else who might have felt this way and did…
  • Thank you for your input. I will have him write out "specific" not emotional reasons for leaving. When one feels a need other may not. He has to try it and then forget about it should it not be in his favor. At least he is not in a hostile environme…
  • That was a wonderful thing you did. Being in HR doesn't mean we don't have feelings. If we didn't love people we wouldn't be in this business. Right? ( Although there are some days I question that) Good Luck to your Co-Worker ~ a Gods miracle indeed…
    in HUG ME! Comment by mmscott May 2003