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  • My mouth is watering....YUM!
  • I, too, at first thought Ray must have been kind of bored on a Monday a.m. to send this message. However, closer inspection indicates he sent the notice on Saturday afternoon at the start of the cocktail hour. Now, that either reflects a REALLY bo…
  • I'd love the picture of Arnold, Maria, and the corpse too, please. [email][/email] We Minesotans know a bit about celebrity governors. A letter writer in today's Minneapolis Star Tribune wrote: "The tiny solace in the result of …
  • Hey, we just endured 4 years under the "leadership" of Jesse-the-moron-Ventura, another action-flick-nonactor-wannabee, who became governor for all the wrong reasons and brought little but embarassment to our fair state. Arnold has an accent that …
  • Perhaps a space heater for your desk and a turbo fan for your office mate?
  • Hi, AJ, I'd love your materials! Please contact me at [email][/email]. Thanks!
  • I am an HR consultant here in Minneapolis, and we charge $125/hr. Sherrie, feel free to contact me at [email][/email] for more information! Denise
  • I agree. Companies can definitely prohibit smoking on their premises, including in cars on their parking lot! However, the bigger issue is that "some employees have decided to" smoke in the entryway. That implies that they used to go outside, but…
  • Right on, Don! I do HR consulting for smaller companies in the region, and one of the most frequent suggestions I make is to change the language on their applications, removing the "Are you a US citizen" question. As you said, one needn't be a cit…
  • Gosh, I'd be very reluctant to do that. Whether you have a zero tolerance policy on workplace violence or not, I believe most folks would view a pocket knife (even if it has 7 functions!) as a weapon. Seems to me that any item given as a gift or pr…
    in A Knife? Comment by dmd August 2003
  • To sher, TX: I originally found the info on service letters on the SHRM website, but it has since been pulled due to "some inconsistencies". Upon further research and a live chat with one of their customer service reps., we searched the CCH HR dat…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-08-03 AT 09:58AM (CST)[/font][p]I, too, agree that Don's reply is well said. FYI: Here in MN, and 10 other states (CA, DE, IN, KS, MO, MT, NE, NV, TX and WA) employers are required to provide a servi…
  • Evan, Would you please add me to your list of interested folks? fax is 952/473-2766, or [email][/email] Thanks in advance!
  • I don't know how helpful this will be, but my husband is the Development Director at a large non-profit here in Minneapolis. In that world, "development" always means fund-raising. So, based on your post, the manager in question wouldn't properly …