HR Bilbo


HR Bilbo
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  • I believe that you can only dock pay from an exempt EE if they miss a full day, and can only dock in full day increments.
  • Yes Marc I'm an avid Tolkein fan, even before the movies. I looked back at all the two different wage scenerios, but both wages were over the $7.73 limit, I thought. I will look again and then come back. Thanks for the reply.
  • DonD, I am the HR Manager and also the only HR representative for a company with close to 300 EE's. I have only been in HR for six months and am learning as I go. I believe I used the wrong word when I said attitude. The EE was causing dissension a…
  • Terry, I was just advised by our unemployment representatives that it could cause legal problems with hour and wage. They advised that we terminate and not ask for the money back. Thanks for all the responses, Grant
  • No, there is no union representation. Thank you Bilbo
  • Chari, Thanks for your reply. I am not sure what a CBA is? Please define. The ee is not in a protected class. Policy from handbook dictates that all shortages are the responsibility of the ee, and if the shortage is 1% of bank responsibility (which …