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  • I use "Descriptions Now" to start all my job descriptions. I checked and they have a template for a Training Coordinator. Software is good and easy to use.
  • I understand from previous legal advice that employees cannot take time in lieu of pay. I was also advised that only governmental agencies can do this but am sure it's different state by state.
    in Furlough Comment by pmaher June 2003
  • Thanks...that's what I remember doing in the past too. I think that as long as the pay does not go below the minimum wage, we'd be okay.
  • I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I've researched this over and over again. I finally convinced management that we need to pay exempts a salary and not by the hour. That was hard enough. Then we have a consultant from a government agency who was installing…
  • Linda, this does help. I'll pass responses to our payroll person. Does this apply to someone who has filed for bankruptcy? I assume it does.
  • My former employer has the same practice as you do. The only caution with this practice is that management has to keep an eye on abuse. My current employer is also debating what to do with partial day absences. We are leaning toward the 4 hour ab…
  • Info is very helpful. I've been trying to track down the "window of correction". Thanks for pointing me to the right reg.
  • Sorry. 9/80 is every other Friday off. Work 9 hours Monday thru Thursday in week one and 8 hours on Friday; the following week is 9 hours Monday thru Thursday with Friday off.
  • I need this article but can't get to it. Can you help? I have issues trying to get our permatemps off the books or hired as regulars and am collecting information to increase the comfort level of our managers. Thanks.
  • Our company isn't up to having a good salary plan to begin with so adding the 2 categories for managers will be crazy. However, if it's what is needed, it might be the motivator to get managers to cooperate.
  • Wow...I have chills. I was involved in my very, very first RIF last week except I was spared having to deliver the message(s). Don, I enjoy your insight, wisdom and advice. Try to have a great weekend.
  • Doesn't anyone do an annualized rate anymore?
  • Thanks. I was thinking along the same lines. Guess I was just hoping we had some alternative. Guess not.
  • I worked for a city and we had hundreds of "seasonal" employees. We had to declare what the period of seasonal employment was, e.g., for the Parks Dept., it might be 4/15 thru 10/1 or similar to that. This was necessary for unemployment benefits. …