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  • We have adopted an attendance policy based on points. We are mostly blue-collar manufacturing (100 employees). It has worked very well for hourly employees....since we started it in 2000 we have now added PTO that is an incentive for excellent att…
  • Luckily we do have an EAP......I will use that
    in Body Odor Comment by TinaND October 2004
  • I only mentioned the 3 year leave due to him just returning...he also went through a divorce - has kids getting into trouble all within the last few months. We did not have this problem before he left - or at least that I am aware of...just setting…
    in Body Odor Comment by TinaND October 2004
  • >Federal Law, State Law or a combination of both? Is this an OSHA >concern? Are you a union or non-union? My immediate reaction is >whether it is mandated by "law" or not, a written policy should be put >in place covering this …
  • We just faced the same situation. We put 34 employees on temporary layoff status. THey all went on COBRA eligibility and all other benefits were dropped. When i spoke with our lawyer and the unemployment office, temporary is "usually" determined …
  • Would you be able to fax me a copy as well - this is quite the "popular" document now! Thanks! My fax is 701-776-2915 Thanks Tina
    in HIPAA Comment by TinaND March 2003
  • >How long does a local government have to keep job applications >(non-hirees)? In ND - the minimum length of time to keep applications is 1 year from the date of application. Even unsolicited applications!
  • Miriam: We are just beginning to get into the full swing of training for our supervisors/managers as well. Most of our supervisors have been promoted from within and lack the supervisory skills. We have done a few SKillPath seminars and for the m…
  • Amen Pork - that is how we have won 2 union votes to date in the last 3 years! Be honest and up front and they don't need a union to "think" for them.