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  • We also experienced the same problem. Shifting from temp agencies to direct hire helped in this area. We also discovered that the problem of "matter" ending up on the floor or in trash cans was in part a cultural issue. Many employees are from 3r…
  • Thanks for replying Margaret. Do you know where I can find the legislation to back up the practice of docking pay while on intermittent FML?
  • I'm glad someone finally said it. I support everything you said, Zanne. And, it's also exciting to see so many believers out there.
  • Try this one. I'm not sure it's what you're looking for, but it's worth a shot. [url][/url] Southern California is very expensive. I grew up there and just moved to OK b/c of it. The same hous…
  • Our plant employees start at 6am. When the bell sounds, employees must have already clocked in and must be at their station, ready to work. If not, they receive a tardy (in the past, some employees would clock-in and loaf around in the break room …
  • This came up only once in the last year. We paid travel time hours from plane departure to destination arrival each way. Then, we paid hours for actual work that the employee reported (usually, 8am-5pm). Of course, we reimbursed for travel, board…