Nurse Recruiter


Nurse Recruiter
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  • I am also read the posting from the employee. I think someone had to have given her the info about where to find this forum as it is a little off the beaten path. I guess I would have to vote for just the warnings. Anything you post on the web is no…
  • Do you have a policy addressing off duty conduct? We have a policy that states that all employees must conduct their personal affairs with the utmost integrity and requires that all employees: 1. Conduct themselves in a manner that does not refle…
  • I have slightly different perspective. I am sure you may be able to come up with a rational that allows different departments to do things differently. My question is this: Is CPR training an issue you employees will care at all about, either nega…
  • My suggestion is that your friend needs to seek advise from an attorney that is familiar with immigration law. We are very active in overseas recruitment and do require a committment of the applicants in order to bring them here. However, that is di…
  • You can ask for a second opinion if your company chooses to pay for a physician to review the need for the chair. Are Chiropractors considered to be "independant health practitioners" in your state? They are in many states. If so, you are definitely…
  • From experience, I agree with Don and Gillian. I would take the extra care in this situation.
  • Don may not post again, but that does not mean you won't get a challenge!! From this vantage point, it most surely was the war of northern agression. And we all know that our northern neighbors can be very agressive!!! :-) In all seriousness, I …
  • I live in Oklahoma. The confederate flag has been a very big issue here between those who have a great love of history and tradition and those who feel this is a racist symbol. The sad truth is that is can represent both. My son, who by the way is e…
  • We do not participate in a specific day to bring kids to work and do not allow employees to bring kids to work. And definitly NO Pets!!! We do have a "volunteen " program for kids 14 and older and we work with area high schools to provide shadowing …
  • From your post it seems you are quite justified in terminating the employee but I have 2 concerns.First, you seem to have documentation of her perfomance issues, but do you have documentation of where you addressed the issues with the ee? Second, "a…
  • I don't think you are a bleeding heart. You are right, at some point it does not apply. Our company that gathers background info gives us anything that comes up on the person, so we also get lots of old info. Our rule of thumb is if they are not cur…
  • What happened to message number 10?
  • In my setting (Health Care), Per Diem can also refer to staff who work only when needed. They are paid a higher flat rate and used to supplement regular staff.
  • I work for a Catholic hospital and we give frozen turkeys to our employees every year. It really makes for a fun day. Any left over turkeys are give to local charities, which is publicised to employees ahead of time. Many of them choose not to pick …