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  • Yes deniseE, I agree it most definitely sends a positive message to employees to grant more time off after FMLA. However, part of our problem may be related to our aging workforce where we are seeing more and more chronic kinds of illnesses that se…
  • Thank you deniseE. Wow 12 more weeks, we use to have a policy similar to that but it had the potential to tie up the position for at least that same period of time. Our policy now offers accommodation with a different job if they can't perform the…
  • Thank you all for your responses... good insight... it's all good. In the end, there are the regs we must at least follow so yes the medical certification is the ultimate deciding factor, unless of course the employer has a more liberal policy. We…
    in Comatose Comment by paulb March 2004
  • Like beauty, professional taste is in the eyes of the beholder. Unfortunately, there are still pockets of insecurity in our world about who we are and who we serve or how we think we should serve to the point, we believe control is the only way of …