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  • I just visited this site, so although I don't know if you still need help with this issue, here's what we do. We offer 5 paid days of Paternity Leave, which goes towards the 12 weeks of FMLA available to eligible employees. Same goes for men who a…
  • I appreciate this info. Where would I go to read these specific statutes/laws? I am so frustrated, because I was told by four attorneys here in Los Angeles who did an employment law seminar last month, that even if I made calls to previous employe…
  • You get into some pretty tricky areas when you deduct pay from an exempt employee for any reason (other than if the employee legitimately owes the company money, and even then... you should get a memo signed by them before you do that). When you do…
    in tardy Comment by TD November 2002
  • I'd be interested to know what state you are in and what your legal counsel tells you to do with this issue. We have offices in many major US cities, but we use the same non-solicitation agreement.... knowing that in some states it's totally unen…
  • I just went through a lengthy set of discussions about this with our in-house attorney. The Managing Director in one of our offices is new and was pretty nervous about having alcohol at an office party, especially since it was held in a location wh…
  • Gillian - Thanks for this info. I had heard something about these regulations (I'm pretty new to California), but I can't seem to find these forms/flyers anywhere on-line. Any idea where I could get them?