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  • I agree with Haggard, it's how I look on a Friday afternoon! Also the same time I log on to HR de Har Har to lighten the mood.
  • Oooooh, Mental as Anything is an Australian band that hails from the eighties also, a great fun party band to see - seems a strange mix with Robert Palmer though! I was also very saddened to hear about Robert Palmer, I saw him purely by accident in …
  • I agree with Rockie... when we had someone go on maternity leave we took up a collection for her. We knew what she really wanted was a really good pram so we bought her American Express Gift Checks, that she could either put towards the pram or use …
    in Christmas Comment by JKK September 2003
  • When I was living in London a friend's parents told me about a funeral they had gone to where the hearse bearing the coffin was really late getting to the cemetery for the burial. The widow was standing there laughing. When she was asked if she was …
  • Not exactly an office prank, but near enough.... As a Senior Flight Attendant, it was my job to train the newbies in correct procedures during flights. On one particular trip, the pilots and I conspired against the poor new girl after we had overnig…
    in Office Pranks Comment by JKK August 2003
  • Come on Paul, what happened this week - I missed it? I can't believe anybody actually stays working there at all. And I want to know what Rocco is going to do when someone hits him with a sexual harassment or assault charge - I've never seen someon…
  • I so understand all of the comments expressed in this posting... the building controls the temperature in our offices and keep changing it on us!!! One day the temperature will be almost perfect for the majority of the staff, and the next day it is …
  • Again, mine isn't so much about being honest but about working above and beyond the call of duty - we had hired a temp to walk the streets with a board and hand out leaflets about a special event we were having that day. The temp never showed so on…
  • I'm going to the Orlando conference - it was a trade off from a conference I was meant to attend earlier in the year in New York (where my office is located) that I had to cancel at the last minute to assist my EVP with a project on Latin America. I…
  • Good Luck - I did the PHR December 2002 - and agree with what everyone here has said. It was harder than I expected and does cover all areas of HR: Compensation, Labor, Law, Recruitment, Pensions, Employee Relations, etc. I had done a College cour…
    in PHR Exam Comment by JKK April 2003
  • I have to say that friends and I all thought it was "Alex the Seal" from the GoGo's
  • I come from the state of Victoria. Confused? I'm originally from Australia and Victoria has the southern most capital city - Melbourne, the second largest city in Australia. Like the USA there are differences between each state and city. Sydney, wh…
  • Sorry guys, but c'mon, how safe do you think Neil would be if it really was someone else's wife or girlfriend - DonD, how happy would you be if some guy did this to your wife and then said I've got her ready for you now?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-30-02 AT 04:22PM (CST)[/font][p]I really hate to disillusion you, but the woman whose hand he was kissing is his girlfriend and the guy that she is standing with is a member of his entourage - it happ…
  • I had a customer service vacancy and received an emailed application from email address "bitchfromhell" I didn't even look at the resume I'm afraid.
  • My mother was HR for a company in Australia that had engineers working at utility companies and they would be called to various sites in the middle of nowhere to fix whatever problems arose. She received a call from one of the engineers to say that…
  • I agree with all the comments so far, and often have to deal with similar situations. What really ticks me off though is a Director who won't fire anyone because they have been with the company for too long... we recently re-structured and had the p…
  • Dear Beate I'm sure you are now sorry you offered to fax through the letter, but I would greatly appreciate a copy as well fax: 212 986 1188 or email [email]jkeast@bta.org.uk[/email] We were only talking about offering the same thing to our staff la…
  • I agree, what a great company and very forward thinking, and obviously caring of and for their staff. I congratulate you on working for such a progressive company!
  • I believe so. The staff member is in Illinois which doesn't recognize same sex marriages.
  • Many thanks for these responses - you have confirmed what I thought, that it would depend on the State Law as to whether it was a requirement. Thanks again
  • Thanks very much Don I thought that was most likely the case
  • Thank you for everyone's comments, I thought the response might be a bit like this. JS, unfortunately Sue has been in the current role more than 90 days so we can't use that avenue. I was not with the company when they first hired her, but joined s…
  • Like Pork I'm surprised there hasn't been more postings on this subject... I have a similar problem, however it starts at the top! The USA EVP has been with the company for over 30 years, and is sadly out of date with the new direction that the comp…
  • I also am a one-person HR dept with 3 offices in USA, 1 in Canada, 1 in Rio and 1 in Argentina. I often feel overwhelmed also but agree with all the other postings - make sure you take time out to go for a walk, even if only around the building, fiv…
  • I see red flags here too - this threat could also indicate some type of violent reaction from this guy, whom you have already described as 'angry'. I'd be considering terminating him for the threat he poses to the employees and company property when…
  • As the HR Manager, I make sure I send out the emails regarding staff departures so that no information is included that shouldn't be. At this very moment though I don't have the staff worried about me coming into their department - in fact just the …
  • Ritanz, Thanks for pointing that issue out - I need to provide slightly more info - basically two people have resigned from the department, leaving one staff member in the office and the aforementioned person on sick leave. We are in the process of …
  • This sounds great - could you email me a copy also please? [email]jkeast@bta.org.uk[/email]
  • Sorry to say but this is not going to be an easy one. You really need the Receptionist to put her complaints in writing, and advise her to make them as factual as possible, unfortunately approaching anything from an emotional standpoint will not hel…