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  • What ticks me off? Employees who are NEVER happy. No matter what you do for them, you only hear the negative - never a thank you or that's a great improvement in benefits - only what else can we get. It is also difficult to hire people in making …
  • The problem with evaluation forms is that they are subjective. We changed our format this past year. Instead of rating employees on how they perform the duties described in their job description, we decided to eliminate that section and replace it…
  • Our non-exempt employees have a bank of 40 hrs. of personal time they can use over a one year period. Can we have the same for our exempt employees? If an exempt employee uses more than the allotted 40 hours/year, we would NOT deduct their pay - w…
  • Thanks for your input. I did check with a few labor attorneys and received the following comments: "Yep. As long as the hours worked are not used to "dock" the employee, you're OK. Tracking the time to monitor abuse of a new program or attendanc…
  • We are a small company. Exempt employees must e-mail me (HR Mgr)if they were late or are leaving the building. I keep a hard copy of the e-mail in a file marked "Personal Time" and also document the time missed on an excel workbook. There is an i…
  • Do you have any openings????
  • We have an employee who has been on intermittent leave for migraines for the last 3 years. She has been hospitalized, tried botox injections, had to be detoxed from all the medication she has been on over the years...the whole gambit. Nothing is h…
    in Migraines Comment by memiller May 2002
  • Our policy requires a return to work release from a doctor for anyone who is out more than 3 days. If they come in without it, we send them home...regardless of FMLA or not.
  • I'm having the same problem. Our policy states that if they don't return the medical certification within 15 days of being notified of possible eligiblity, their time off will not be considered FMLA protected. Then we handle it as an attendance pr…
  • We have performance evaluations twice a year and have changed from a standard perf eval to goal oriented review. The first part of the review is based on goals and rated 4-0(4-Excellent; 3-Good; 2-Average;1-Poor; 0-Failure). The total is weighted …
  • We pay holidays within 90 day probation period. We do not pay for holidays if anyone misses the day before or after a holiday (not previously scheduled).
  • I took the liberty to call OSHA myself and was informed there is NO regulation prohibiting an employer from providing aspirin to employees. They do recommend you ask if the employee knows if they are allergic to aspirin before giving it to them. S…
  • I would recommend you check OSHA regulations regarding dispensing aspirin. I was informed by our Safety Advisor that we cannot dispense aspirin, only non-aspirin products - prepackaged. Aspirin can cause medical side effects that could come back t…
  • Thanks for the input. I did go ahead with the interview, figuring why not give her another chance but she failed the one job-specific test we gave her. Have to give her credit...she writes a good resume! It caught our attention twice.
  • We have a small exercise facility and have all employees sign a Waiver & Release Form (including Workers' Compensation Benefits) if they are injured while participating in voluntary recreational or fitness activities on company property. No one…