Ginger P


Ginger P
Last Active
Guest, Member


  • We offer light duty to our injured workers and most of the time, it gets the employee back to work quickly. However, we have a few that stay on light duty & become totally unmotivated to return to "real work". Can I limit the amount of time fo…
  • I'm in Georgia. We have a "Second Injury Trust Fund" that will reimburse a significant portion of a claim, if it's an injury that has re-occurred or has a relevant pre-existing condition. The kicker is the Employer must prove that they knew about …
  • That's exactly the scenario I want to avoid. My experience is that "mediation" means "settle with a certain amount of money". I'm not interested in settling, I'm interested in the EEOC finding "no cause". thanks for your input. I'm not going to medi…