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  • Just wanted to weigh in with a different position. Our company also specifically states in policy that all company provided equipment may be accessed by the company at any time, and that employees should not expect privacy in any material they keep …
  • That'd be great. [email][/email] Thanks so much.
  • Just wanted to weigh in with a different position. Our company also specifically states in policy that all company provided equipment may be accessed by the company at any time, and that employees should not expect privacy in any material they keep …
  • Stress is a tricky thing for an employee to request accomodations for. ADA DOES require that the employee be able to perform the essential functions of the job, and so far the courts have pretty unanimously said that means you have to be able to sho…
  • I would send her a letter explaining that she may have rights to accomodation if she has a disability, and that if she believes she does have a disability she would like accomodations for she should let you know. Basically, explain ADA rights. At th…
  • If the hernia is a worker's comp covered injury, then look to your state WC law to see how long an accomodation should be made. If the injury was not work-related, and you believe there is no disability subject to ADA protection, then look to any un…
  • Theoretically, treating this employee differently than you would another employee is perfectly legal. The catch is that the decisions can't be based upon protected criteria (sex, age etnicity, that whole shlemiel), and it's easy to get tripped up if…
  • I think a frank talk is certianly in order, but I believe you must also back it up with disciplinary action. The blunt talk by itself has a high probability of being perceived as simply more evidence that "management" does not want to hear abotu pro…
  • Teresa, how are you defining "outsider?" I'm sure Weingarten is not limited to being able to bring a co-worker.
  • You need to check with an attroney if the problem is bad enough that there is a chance you'll need to terminate. It is very likely that this will not qualify as a disability, even if it is demonstrated to be a medical condition. But you will need to…
  • Whether or not the law in your state allows you to require a reason for requesting the absence, I would caution you away from a policy that requires detailed information on the absence. If you know too much information about the employee's out-of-of…