Is this "tuition reimbursement eligible?"

I'm interested in how you all treat courses and trainings that are outside the traditional sit-in-a-classroom model. I can think of two examples; one is an online course, either as part of a degree program or not. The other is somethng along the lines of the Rosetta Stone model, with which I confess I am not yet entirely familiar. I gather from an employee that Rosetta Stone (for those who haven't heard of it it's a foreign language learning program) provides software, practice opportunities, and assessment tools. Does your policy allow for either of these types of programs?
I have a comprehensive tuition reimbursement policy in place. I would be happy to share it with you if you think it may help. Let me know how to contact you if you are interested. It is too large to print here.
Hi Cappy,
That would be great. You can forward it to