Holiday party after layoffs?

Hi -- As many other employers did, we had to conduct some layoffs this year. This is the time of year we generally start planning our company's holiday party. The topic of whether we should have a party at all has been raised-- that basically we shouldn't be spending money on a party if we couldn't "afford" to keep the individuals we laid off. We're still undecided.
Is anyone else having a similar internal debate when it comes to holiday party planning?
We did not have any financially-driven layoffs last year, but we did decrease raises and eliminate bonuses and as a result, had the same hesitations you are experiencing now. We decided to pare back our party, held it in house rather than the usual hotel ballroom, and spent about half as much money as a result. Of course there were grumblers, but for the most part our employees appreciated the effort we made to celebrate without breaking the budget. Good luck with your planning!
We have not had any layoffs but we did freeze salaries (and bonuses), limit the amount of pay increases to 2% for hourly employees, and stopped the 401k match. As a management team decided not to have a holiday party because we felt like it would send the wrong message. We are still going to give out our annual awards and service awards but during a regularly scheduled quarterly meeting.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />