Business card "resumes"

Hey, just read that OfficeMax is producing mini-resumes on business card stock for jobseekers to hand out.
Don't know if I want to keep track of these little things, especially if I put them in my pocket at a trade show or job fair. Easy to lose before I can photocopy onto regular size paper or retype so I have a soft copy.
What do you all think of this?
It makes me think of resumés printed on super-fancy "certificate paper," but just inverted. Instead of being super-flashy, can't miss it, stands out from the bottom of the stack... it's not flashy, can easily miss it, mistake it for a meaningless busisness card, etc. Good concept, but not practical.
Just my two cents...
My $0.02: the card is only as meaningful to the candidate's job search as the conversation that gave rise to the opportunity to hand it to someone.
When my brother graduated from high school they gave him a pocket-sized laminated copy of his diploma in a cover that made it look like a passport. That was about as useful as business-card-resumes.
All resumes, full-size, pocket-size, flashy or lame are becoming obsolete. It’s not practical to expect recruiters or hiring managers to hold on to pocket size resumes; trade shows and job fairs included. When’s the last time you really “accepted” a resume from a candidate anyway. Better idea – have business representatives carry generic business cards with your companies web address, job categories, locations, etc and ask the candidate to apply online! That’s what you really want anyway, right?