
I'm sure this will come across as an 'out of touch' question, but for the life of me, I'm struggling for an answer. We are considering implementing an electronic time clock system in which our hourly employees would have to use an "electronic signature" (as would their supervisors) to sign off on their time. Where would I find the legalities (I'm in Indiana) of this so that we can include some verbiage in our policy? Go ahead - call us old fashioned [:S]- our hourly employees are manually writing their hours on time sheets and turning them into the payroll office after the supervisor signs off on them. I'd really like to update this system and releive our payroll clerk of some of her tedious duties. Thanks for any input you can provide!
When you say "electronic signature" do you mean, literally, signing on an electronic device like Best Buy uses at checkour or like UPS uses when they have you sign for a pacakge?
We use a biometric clock and then run a pre-submission report showing payroll breakdown (hours, commission, bonus, etc.) gross and net and they sign that the old fashioned way.
When we went from in-house time clock, paper, pen, and calculator to outsourced payroll with biometric clock, we went from 3 people working 3 days on payroll and tying up the accounting software for a couple hours to 1 person getting payroll done in 1 day.
One of the best changes we ever made was going from time cards to an electronic timeclock. It automated the process so perfectly.....saved hundreds of hours for staff, supervisors and payroll over the course of a year. Highly recommend it.
As for the electronic signature and wording for a policy, here is what we say ....
"This facility uses electronic signatures for our employee timecards. System controls exist such that ONLY the employee has access to the password that allows the system to affix the "signature" that identifies the employee as the author of the recorded time."
Hope this is helpful!