Threatening lawsuit

We have an employee who has been talking with her co-workers about suing the company. We haven't heard anything directly from her, just comments that are trickling back through co-workers. It's not a discrimination based complaint so I don't think we need to do an investigation or anything, but the employee isn't using the open door dispute resolution process we have in place. Any suggestions on how to handle?
A little more information might make it easier for us to help you. Is it retaliation? Has there been a recent adverse action against her?
Since this employee has taken the time to discuss the issue with coworkers it could be argued that managment knew or should have known about whatever this employee's issues are with the company and failed to act. I would speak with her supervisor first to see if they have any knowledge of the issue in question and if they have attempted to address her concerns. The supervisor, if they were aware of any concerns, should have tried to meet with the employee and should have discussed the grievance policy to the employee. Once you've determined the nature of the issue, you may need to seek the advice of your General Counsel to see how to proceed with handling the concerns prior to meeting with the employee.