
Each time our employees set off our alarm the police are called out to our office. We are chared for each false alarm. Are there laws against an employer charging an employee directly for the cost of each false alarm that occurs? 


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Tell the offenders that after a second "mistake," they will can work only during regular working hours when the alarm is off or when other employees are present to let them in and out, and they will not be allowed to work nontraditional hours. Take away their entry key or card and/or don't give them the new security password or number after the fsecond false alarm. 

    Then establish and communicate a policy stating that employees will be charged the cost of any false alarm they cause and will not be able to work nontraditional hours requiring them to enter when the security system is activated.

    Usually, the embarassment of having the police arrive will stop employees from having a second mistake.


  • If several employees are causing false alarms, it sounds like they were never trained properly on how to bypass the security system.

    You need to have the security system vendor come in for some onsite training.

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