In case you haven't heard, in May SHRM announced that it was developing its own credentialing system apart from HRCI ([URL=""]read the HR Hero Line article about the split[/URL]). That means that all of you who worked so hard to get a PHR, SPHR, or GPHR will now have to decide if you want to sit for the test to get the SHRM equivalent (SHRM says if you already have one of the HRCI certifications, you won't have to pay to take the new test).
I sat for the SPHR last year and it was one of the more grueling tests/test preps I have ever been through (and I have a master's degree). I was not happy when I first heard that SHRM would be asking me to take another test--especially when the thing I found so hard about the SPHR was learning what our test prep classes referred to as "the SHRM way" (basically, don't answer the questions by what you know to be true from HR experience, think about how SHRM wants to you to answer the test). It sounds like SHRM plans to make the test to "convert" the PHR/SPHR/GPHR to the new certification pretty easy, but I still don't like the idea.
What do you think? Does anyone plan to sit for the new test? Has anyone been thinking about taking one of the HRCI tests but is now reconsidering?
I sat for the SPHR last year and it was one of the more grueling tests/test preps I have ever been through (and I have a master's degree). I was not happy when I first heard that SHRM would be asking me to take another test--especially when the thing I found so hard about the SPHR was learning what our test prep classes referred to as "the SHRM way" (basically, don't answer the questions by what you know to be true from HR experience, think about how SHRM wants to you to answer the test). It sounds like SHRM plans to make the test to "convert" the PHR/SPHR/GPHR to the new certification pretty easy, but I still don't like the idea.
What do you think? Does anyone plan to sit for the new test? Has anyone been thinking about taking one of the HRCI tests but is now reconsidering?
What you said about "the SHRM way" reminded me of an HR college course I took. I already had 10 - 15 years of HR experience under my belt at the time I took the class and could do most of the coursework based upon my fairly extensive knowledge of the subject matter. However, the instructor wanted things done HER way, regardless of the fact that I had HR experience and she only taught it. I was a bit shocked when she gave me a C- on the first big essay, which I worked very hard on. I talked to a co-worker who was taking the same class and she clued me in to what the professor was actually looking for (mostly lots of bullet points, charts, and other "bells & whistles") and used that technique the rest of the course and ended up with an A.
On one hand, I like that because it sounds easy for me since I've already earned my SPHR. But it does seem to defeat the whole purpose of SHRM having a certification that shows competency beyond the HRCI certification.
I will post a link to the new article when it goes up. [SIZE=3][COLOR=black]
NaeNae, I think you might get your wish. Here is the second article from HR Hero Line [I][URL=""]SHRM certification: How will HR professionals go forward?[/URL][/I]
[INDENT]Here’s how the system will work, according to Carr: Beginning January 1, 2015, professionals with existing HR generalist certifications that are in good standing will be eligible for the new SHRM Certification – at no cost – by completing the following by December 31, 2015:
[*]Document that the current certification is in good standing.
[*]Sign the SHRM Code of Ethics.
[*]Complete an online tutorial on HR competencies.
Carr says the online tutorial will take approximately one hour. Once the process is complete, the new SHRM credential will have been earned and a three-year SHRM recertification cycle will begin.
I can't help but wonder how much SHRM will charge for their recertification. Also, has SHRM established a time limit on initial certification for current HRCI cert holders?