Blue Briefcases

On the main menu, which shows the various subject areas, all of them have the blue briefcase to the left, except Workers Comp. It's been that way for a week, indicating each of them has new messages. That can't be right.
>subject areas, all of them have the blue
>briefcase to the left, except Workers Comp. It's
>been that way for a week, indicating each of
>them has new messages. That can't be right.
Hey Don.
There are a couple of possibilities for it showing up like that.
The most likely issue is a software bug having to do with how the forums handle cookies. I and others here have noticed a few inconsistencies on how forums are marked and how new messages show up, although it isn't a huge problem (mainly a minor irritation). Unfortunately it is likely not a bug that can be fixed anytime soon (for a few reasons), but I will pass this on to Jim just in case it could be a quick fix.
Brian Holaway
Electronic Publishing Assistant
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
Oh wait, sorry, you weren't asking for the colors of our briefcases were you? Sorry x:-8
Well, at least between green and maroon.8-}
Don't say green and try to weasel a bag from AJ.
"...all of them have the blue briefcase to the left, except Workers Comp..."
That to me sounded like all but the Workers Comp briefcase was on the left.
My briefcases are blue when I haven't read all the messages. When I click "Mark as Read", it's no longer blue. Ta da!
Yours aren't working. End of story. Check your cookies!
Okay, smart boy, what kind of vehicle will you be looking for? I still say the trouble lies in your cookies.
>also don't understand why your briefcase icon
>isn't turning blue to show new messages in the
>forum. Maybe it can't hold its breath long
>enough to turn blue? x:-/ Sorry, I'm just having
>more fun with the cookies in the briefcase and
>getting awful hungry for dessert!x:9
No, Don's briefcases (yes, I know they are actually folders) are ALWAYS blue even when he's read and replied to every single thread, as we know he does. He doesn't want them to be blue any more, he wants strappy fuscia/chartreuse/tangerine plaid bags with rhinestones and... aaahhhh, forget it. Maybe Don will stop ignoring me now. x:D
But, if you are offering cookies for my Lands End briefcase, well, my preference is chocolate chip!x:9 Golly, belonging to this board has the best rewards - cookies and briefcases!th-up
My, my, my testy aren't we. What's a receptor? Does it look like an antennae? Like something from an UFO?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, so you know where I live and what I drive. Am I supposed to be afeared?
If it's a severed head I'm going to be very upset.
This thread is the finest example I have ever seen of a topic taking a sharp left turn right out of the gate. x:-)