new Format

What's with the new format with the blue banner down the side of each screen? I think it's horrible. Not only does it distract, but when one types a post, the first inch and a half is covered by the blue banner and you can't see what you've typed. What's up James?
My scrolling finger got a lot of exercise just getting down to my reply window!
Anyway, sounds like the problems will be fixed soon.
I posted on this also. Right now it's worse than ever. Your post is now vertical?? Also your post on the employment law section was gone the second time I looked. This is very weird.
We're working out some bugs. Bear with us.
But we've always had a blue navigation bar on the left. We just changed the look, and something we did monkeyed up the Forum.
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
My bad, it is on Don's other topic about this "The new format is horrible."
"ERROR: You can't edit this message.
You can only edit message within 30 minutes after your initial post."
Why is this necessary in the life of the forum?
Seems reasonable to allow for second thoughts for a much longer period of time.