Student Questions

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-09-03 AT 08:20PM (CST)[/font][p]Would it be possible to add a section called "Student Questions" or something to that affect on the Lobby menu? I would find it extremely helpful & I'm sure the students would feel better about not having to make up a scenario. Thank you for your consideration.


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Employers Forum isn't for students, and it isn't a place for hypothetical scenarios. It's for HR professionals and others who act on behalf of employers. And it's for discussing real-life situations.

    James Sokolowski
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-10-03 AT 10:16AM (CST)[/font][p]Do whichever you like Marc. Thanks James, for again stating policy. And by the way, the students are not 'studying' here. News of The Forum has penetrated the classroom and the word is out that there are devious ways to get these fools to do your homework for you if you phrase your question just right. I had two children graduate last December. Both of them told me about this 'Forum Thing' that their professors had mentioned. My son thought it was an extension of Penthouse Forum, so he wasted no time logging on. My daughter, the more studious at the time, was in a 'test and measurements' class of some sort and logged on with a group trying to get information about pre-employment testing. Their teacher told them that if they could get HR people on the internet to do their research for them, more power to them.
  • Should we ignore their questions? Or firmly send them away to study elsewhere?
  • Hi James

    That may be policy, but it's not the practice on the forum. As a relatively new member to the forum I can definitely tell the difference between a student question and a real situation from a true HR professional. I don't have a magic ball - just common sense. Here's what I'm going to do - anyone that has a posting number of less than 10 & doesn't respond when their questions are answered - I'm not going to respond. The policy you stated is exactly why I enjoy the forum, but the lack of control or the inability to segment off questions from students is affecting my enjoyment of the forum. My responses on the forum may not always be in line with others, but I do take the time and analyze my responses before posting them - it's time consuming & the pay-off is little when it comes to answering student questions. Again, thank you for your time.
  • I bet you had to do more pushups than the rest of your wing/squadron put together. x:-)
  • No! For hearing the rules read to you three times and still bitching under your breath about them. x:-)
  • well, then, it should be no surprise to you to know that I did very well in the Air Force.
  • James stated the purpose of the Forum perfectly. I do not think we are here to alleviate the students from doing their research. I'm sure there are other web sites that are designed specifically for students. Let's keep the Forum as a valuable tool for HR professionals and not dumb it down to a neophyte level.
  • Everyone: If you suspect that a Forum user doesn't belong here, such as a student or employee, I suggest that you ignore their question and tell the moderator or me. We'll look into it and remove the user, if necessary.

    Here's a spiffy way to alert the moderator and me about a Forum user or inappropriate message. At the bottom of every message is a link that says "Alert." Click on it and you'll go to a form where you can just write why you think the message or poster should be removed.

    mwild31: Please e-mail me the User Names of the people you think are students (

    James Sokolowski
  • Will do James - thanks for the response!
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