Dutch Oven Cobbler

We have prepared this on several Boy Scout campouts and it is always a big hit. My son finally tried it at home in the oven last night and it was just as good.
Line your cast iron dutch oven or what ever container you use with heavy duty aluminum foil, for easy clean up. Pour in the contents of two canned fruit pie fillings, 21 oz. cans, your choice of fruit. We have used peach, apple and cherry on various campouts. Spread the canned fruit filling evenly in the container, then pour the contents on one Great Value (Wal-Mart brand) yellow cake mix, 18.25 oz, over the fruit pie filling. Do not mix anything in the cake mix. Just pour the cake mix in over the pie filling. Cover with lid and bake in oven at 375 degrees for one hour and 15 to 30 minutes. We made a cherry cobbler last night and it was great! Easy to prepare and basically no clean up. Of course the ice creme on the side was pretty good too.
Line your cast iron dutch oven or what ever container you use with heavy duty aluminum foil, for easy clean up. Pour in the contents of two canned fruit pie fillings, 21 oz. cans, your choice of fruit. We have used peach, apple and cherry on various campouts. Spread the canned fruit filling evenly in the container, then pour the contents on one Great Value (Wal-Mart brand) yellow cake mix, 18.25 oz, over the fruit pie filling. Do not mix anything in the cake mix. Just pour the cake mix in over the pie filling. Cover with lid and bake in oven at 375 degrees for one hour and 15 to 30 minutes. We made a cherry cobbler last night and it was great! Easy to prepare and basically no clean up. Of course the ice creme on the side was pretty good too.
I wish we had thought to line the dutch oven with foil...there'll be a next time :-)