Democratic Candidate

OK, so who will it be, Hillary or Obama? Hill has the momentum and Obama is struggling now. It could go either way. And it could get even messier with more mud being thrown. McCain may be smiling all the way to the White House.
Obama will be asked to serve as VP. He will be asked by the Democratic leadership to be ready for 20012.
Either one is going to be a disaster.
Bottle trees are probably illegal as the light refracting off of them would set most of the neighborhood on fire.
Now here we are, degenerated to some nonsense about bottle trees. Don't you guys anything better to do with your soda bottles but to shoved them up trees?
What was the question?
Could I confidently say that "ritaanz" is the one who , back then, voted for Bush twice????
If so, I have finally satisfied my curiosity of "who on earth voted for that Bush twice" because every single person I meet denies EVER voting for "that republican"!
Personally I am ready for a change in this USA that is literally going to the shredder.
Now let the hostility continue!!
Perhaps the question is: Who the hell (using your lingo) are you???
Yes, Pres. Bush could have done a better job, especially his trying to always appease the Demos which has gotten us where we are today. But he was still the better choice in each of the last two elections.
That oughta get it rolling!!!!
I do not need to check anyone's profile: I was really joking but I guess the statement was not taken as such.
Have a good day everyone.