Poll : If you could live anywhere - where, why ?

My dream place would be San Pedro, California - overlooking the Pacific ,where the temperatures
are mild and a breeze is always blowing.
are mild and a breeze is always blowing.
I will introduce spiedies to them.
Next best would be San Diego, CA, but I would have to win a multi-million dollar lottery as I would like to live in the style to which I have become accustomed. South Carolina dollars would not go very far in CA.
As the heat and humidity climb in South Carolina, almost anywhere other than the Deep South is preferable.
>about 160 miles south of Seattle and our climate
>is much more favorable. However, we already
>have too many Californians (but deep-Southerners
>are welcome if they're female, pretty, single
>and have that absolutely adorable drawl). x;-)
Y'all put on the porch lite! I'll be on the next plane!
#2 Where I am, North San Diego County, where we will be the part of the year we are not in Mexico. The best part of #2 is the weather.
Ok, yes, that is a total fantasy. I'd like to live in NYC, I love the energy, the people, the anomymity, and, of course, the SHOPPING! I'm thinking of moving there so if anyone knows of a good deal on an apartment, let me know x:D.
But truly, aside from our morbidly long winters, I do love Boston. No matter where life takes me, this will always be my home.
The weather is always perfect, it's a beach town, it's close enough to drive to bigger cities or to the mountains for skiing. It's one of the safest cities in the US according the the FBI. I have an incredible house with family very close by. It still has that small city feel where people say "Hi" when they walk by.
Not that many people have heard of it and so it's not overpopulated- YET.
The only real downside that I can think of is it's in California. I thought about moving because of that, but I think the benefits of living here outweigh the mess of the State. Oh and the housing prices are just ridiculously expensive because the city won't allow new homes.
If I won the lottery tomorrow I would still be living here. I would just get a little vacation home in Aruba too. x:D
I don't think I could be anywhere else.
Near Philadelphia. Wanna live there?
My dream place is any where there is a beach, a beach chair and a bar serving margaritas within walkin distance of my chair. Buffett music playing from some distant radio, not too loud just enough to be heard and understood. Some place where my daughter can be safe playing in her own yard, where your neighbors look out for you and yours, where people smile at you and say hello. Some place laid back, warm and friendly.
Does anyone know where that is?? If you do, where I can get a job and a place to live??
>beach chair and a bar serving margaritas within
>walkin distance of my chair. Buffett music
>playing from some distant radio, not too loud
>just enough to be heard and understood. Some
>place where my daughter can be safe playing in
>her own yard, where your neighbors look out for
>you and yours, where people smile at you and say
>hello. Some place laid back, warm and friendly.
>Does anyone know where that is?? If you do,
>where I can get a job and a place to live??
Sounds like Key West to me. You could settle on Rehobboth or Bethany beaches in Delaware, although they do have winters
Now that I've been in TN, I am getting used to it. Not a bad place at all. I do miss the larger metro areas I've lived in before, especially D.C and Philly (particularly for the food). Try getting a cheese steak in Nashville
Other than that - I think I would move to New Zealand if I could. Why? Because they kept mentioning it at the Academy Awards.x;-)
Don I agree that the best option would be to have enough resources to be able to travel wherever one wanted to.
Thanks Chari...
Cheryl C.