Poll : If you could live anywhere - where, why ?

My dream place would be San Pedro, California - overlooking the Pacific ,where the temperatures
are mild and a breeze is always blowing.



  • 67 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Why in the world do you pick Jackson?
  • Yeah, there are no SPIEDIES there, Ray.
  • Jackson is the capital of MS. It has one of the lowest crime rates in the US and carjacking is virtually unheard of. Southern hospitality, cuisine, and laid back lifestyle. Plus, it is next door to Don. My hero.

    I will introduce spiedies to them.
  • Does anyone else detect sarcasm, a mild form of hostility? Raymond, it's time for your therapy.
  • Sam, I'm hurt to the bone. Are you suggesting that I am being less than honest when I say Don is my hero?
  • New York City, but the WHEN is more important: New York City, circa 1883. x:-)
  • WHY guys? you didn't answer the question.
  • I would say Seattle, Washington. Even if it's rainy, I do like the climate. And...it's a little more affordable than CA.

    Next best would be San Diego, CA, but I would have to win a multi-million dollar lottery as I would like to live in the style to which I have become accustomed. South Carolina dollars would not go very far in CA.

    As the heat and humidity climb in South Carolina, almost anywhere other than the Deep South is preferable.
  • I'm with Rockie...Somewhere minus humidity would be wonderful. Colorado would be great. Cool temps...snow...mountains...what more could you want?
  • Well, just stay away from Oregon, guys... we're about 160 miles south of Seattle and our climate is much more favorable. However, we already have too many Californians (but deep-Southerners are welcome if they're female, pretty, single and have that absolutely adorable drawl). x;-)
  • >Well, just stay away from Oregon, guys... we're
    >about 160 miles south of Seattle and our climate
    >is much more favorable. However, we already
    >have too many Californians (but deep-Southerners
    >are welcome if they're female, pretty, single
    >and have that absolutely adorable drawl). x;-)

    Y'all put on the porch lite! I'll be on the next plane!

  • Porch light's on, Rockie. Please bring some Milo's Sweet Tea and biscuits with you? x;-) I'll meet you at the airport. x:-)
  • #1 Guanajuato, Mexico and it will be within the next year or so, at least on a part time basis. It is a colonial city in the highlands of Mexico. I could go on and on.

    #2 Where I am, North San Diego County, where we will be the part of the year we are not in Mexico. The best part of #2 is the weather.
  • Turks and Caicos - by far the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my life. Why? Perfect temperatures, no humidity, warm water that is so clear I could see my toes when I was neck deep and all the seafood a girl can eat! All I'd need is an endless supply of sunscreen.

    Ok, yes, that is a total fantasy. I'd like to live in NYC, I love the energy, the people, the anomymity, and, of course, the SHOPPING! I'm thinking of moving there so if anyone knows of a good deal on an apartment, let me know x:D.

    But truly, aside from our morbidly long winters, I do love Boston. No matter where life takes me, this will always be my home.
  • hey RADS, we are thinking of going to Turks and Caicos for a vacation this summer. Where do you like to stay there? thanks! ~Leslie

  • I stayed at Beaches Resort. I loved it because it is all inclusive, we didn't have to worry about taking money anywhere, all meals and drinks are included. If you don't mind kids, Beaches is great - its a a family resort.
  • I have lived all over the country but where would I like to live a this time is …. Three hours from the nearest big city, five ski areas within a two hour drive, less then two hours from two major national parks, and in an area with some of the best fishing and hunting in the country. That would be southeastern Idaho. Might as well be happy wherever you are.
  • Dan, I thought you were referring to Concord, NH. I have lived in FL, TX, MA, VT, NY, ME and CT. This is by far the prettiest place. We're within an hour or two from everything you described...plus it was voted the #1 healthy state in the country.
  • I've lived in the same city of Ventura, CA all my life and I don't think I would want to live anywhere else.

    The weather is always perfect, it's a beach town, it's close enough to drive to bigger cities or to the mountains for skiing. It's one of the safest cities in the US according the the FBI. I have an incredible house with family very close by. It still has that small city feel where people say "Hi" when they walk by.
    Not that many people have heard of it and so it's not overpopulated- YET.

    The only real downside that I can think of is it's in California. I thought about moving because of that, but I think the benefits of living here outweigh the mess of the State. Oh and the housing prices are just ridiculously expensive because the city won't allow new homes.

    If I won the lottery tomorrow I would still be living here. I would just get a little vacation home in Aruba too. x:D

  • I would pick somewhere warmer than Maryland. It has to be by a large body of water, either the ocean or a large lake. Not in a major city but close by. I haven't 'shopped' around enough to pick a place for sure. I though Ashville, NC was great. Mountains, lakes, warm . . mmmm.
  • Charleston, SC. Great food, beaches, a laid back attitude, and the shopping and historic districts are fabulous - I'd move there in a heartbeat! Right now I'm grateful for where I am now, in York, SC, in a snug little house with two stupid dogs, two cats who defy description, and a great husband.
  • I've traveled a good bit and found wonderful things about other areas...I did love San Diego...and could see myself living in Hawaii...but I have to be honest...I love PA. We have all four seasons...and usually they are not so long that you're exhausted of the one before the next rolls in....I love the trees and hills...and the mix of city and country.

    I don't think I could be anywhere else.

  • I like where I live because it's virtually crime-free, small but growing hugely, has strict city standards (no tree cutting, no tacky signs, no billboards, paint color ordinances, no trucks, WalMart has giant white columns, apartments are banned), is located very near a huge manmade reservoir/lake, is close enough to the state capitol (12 miles) without all the hustle and bustle. It's home now. Rather than live someplace else, my wish would be to have enough money and time to travel to any place I wanted just to visit, but then come back. I do like Ashville NC, Aspen CO, New Orleans, Destin FL, Toronto and the entire Smokey Mountains. My bumper sticker says, "Where The Hell Is Elkton MD?" x:-)
  • "Where The Hell Is Elkton MD?"

    Near Philadelphia. Wanna live there?
  • No Philly is not the place to live...we have murders, drive by shootings, drug crime is rampant, and half the people don't stay here longer than a year...where do I live...45 minutes west of Philly...the burbs as everyone calls it. Just enough country and just too much city. Some people may disagree with me, but I guess its all in where you live in PA.

    My dream place is any where there is a beach, a beach chair and a bar serving margaritas within walkin distance of my chair. Buffett music playing from some distant radio, not too loud just enough to be heard and understood. Some place where my daughter can be safe playing in her own yard, where your neighbors look out for you and yours, where people smile at you and say hello. Some place laid back, warm and friendly.

    Does anyone know where that is?? If you do, where I can get a job and a place to live??
  • >My dream place is any where there is a beach, a
    >beach chair and a bar serving margaritas within
    >walkin distance of my chair. Buffett music
    >playing from some distant radio, not too loud
    >just enough to be heard and understood. Some
    >place where my daughter can be safe playing in
    >her own yard, where your neighbors look out for
    >you and yours, where people smile at you and say
    >hello. Some place laid back, warm and friendly.

    >Does anyone know where that is?? If you do,
    >where I can get a job and a place to live??

    Sounds like Key West to me. You could settle on Rehobboth or Bethany beaches in Delaware, although they do have winters :)

    Now that I've been in TN, I am getting used to it. Not a bad place at all. I do miss the larger metro areas I've lived in before, especially D.C and Philly (particularly for the food). Try getting a cheese steak in Nashville :(


  • Elkton, MD is a great little town rich in history. John Smith is said to have discovered it and named it the "Head of the Elk" It is equal distance from Philadelphia and Baltimore(sports fan have many teams to choose from). Equal distance from snow skiing in the PA mountains and sunny beaches of NJ, DE, and MD and even the Outer Banks, NC. I grew up in Florida and lived in Germany for a while and many other places. Once I discovered Elkton - I decided to live here. But alas we are fighting or dealing with the pressures to expand housing and shopping and bring new business (a growth explosion) so if no one else believes it - that is fine with me. It's a catch 22 - don't necessarily want our secret to get out!

    Other than that - I think I would move to New Zealand if I could. Why? Because they kept mentioning it at the Academy Awards.x;-)
  • Sam where are you?

    Don I agree that the best option would be to have enough resources to be able to travel wherever one wanted to.
  • but it's fun to think 'what if?'
    Thanks Chari...

    Cheryl C.
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