Robbers Caught

A bit of good news this morning. Another of the local banks in this small community of 10,000 was robber yesterday. This morning the County Sheriff and the FBI report that they have caugth the robbers. Turns out they were brothers from a samll community in the southern part of the county and they have admitted to both the robery yesterday and another one in their home town a couple of months back. These men are up on two federal bank robbery and firearms charges as well as kidnapping... they will be locked up for many, many years. This situation really had several of our employees very upset. The men would stake out a bank branch on the edge of town, near a major highway and watch the employees coming in at opening and leaving at closing of the bank and then follow them and watch their home activities. After a few days of watching they would select one female employee of the bank follow her home and hold her and her family at gun point all night and force her to take them to the bank early the next morning and then proceed to rob the bank before it opened to the public. Thankfully no one was serioulsy injured. This is great news for our community.
Have a great day,


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Great news. . now if they would just find the weirdo(s) in Columbus. .scary times.
  • Yep, my son lives near where the Columbus sniper has hit and he travels I270 daily.

  • Good for you and your community! I thought we had it bad, but robbers don't follow our employees home and hold them hostage. We get robbed fairly frequently and a number of instances where the robber has held a gun to the head of the employee. One store manager had given the robber all the store's money and the robber then marched him to the warehouse in the back of the store. The manager thought it was for the purpose of killing him. The manager has been out on leave forever and I don't think he will ever return to work.

  • That's GREAT news Dutch2! What a good ending to a really scary situation x:-)
  • I think this was a "Movie of the Week" a few years back ..........
  • At my former company we had an incident of shoplifting that turned into a disaster. The FE manager ran after the guy and tried to tackle him. The shoplifter then proceded to smash him on the ground hard enough to break and dislocate his right elbow and break his left wrist. They have still not caught the guy.
    When I visited him in the hospital he told me itwas "instinct" to run after the guy. He is raring to come back but can't for at least 6 weeks.

  • We have pretty extensive "what to do if you're robbed" training, but you'll never know how an employee will respond until it happens.

    The funniest robbery we've had (okay, I can laugh about it now)... Here's roughly how the "conversation" went:

    Robber: Give me the money.

    Cashier: Do you have a gun?

    Robber: Why?

    Cashier: Because we have a different procedure if you have a gun.

    Robber: Yes, I have a gun. It's in my pocket.

    Cashier: I'm going to need to see it first.

    Robber: Just give me your money.

    Cashier: Not until I see the gun.

    Robber leaves.

    That cashier got some remedial training the next week.
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