I'm single!!!!

OK, I'm venting. I made on online purchase and when I got to the name information screen I had to enter my name with a title, the title is a required field. The only choices are Mr, Ms and Mrs. No Miss. So I call the place and she says they can not take phone orders and I have to choose something. She was very nice when I asked her why single women are not allowed to buy patella taping kits. She laughed with me and said she'd mention that to someone, she is single as well.
I thought it was very unusual that not only was the title a required field but that Miss is not an option. I am a single woman and see no reason to hide that fact. I completely respect and support those women who do choose Ms but it is just not for me.
I'm not mad, just a little surprised and disappointed that I was not represented.
--sigh-- thanks for letting me vent.
I thought it was very unusual that not only was the title a required field but that Miss is not an option. I am a single woman and see no reason to hide that fact. I completely respect and support those women who do choose Ms but it is just not for me.
I'm not mad, just a little surprised and disappointed that I was not represented.
--sigh-- thanks for letting me vent.
Now my mother would have the perfect solution to my problem - find a man and get married!
All that being said, I'll never forget the horror the first time a young man in a convenience store called me "ma'am". x:o
When people call me at work, especially older women, they conveniently change my name from Melissa to Missy before I even give it a second thought. That will get my ears steaming in no time!
Have a great day!
Nope - poker dealer. Pretty much the same vein!
I was not offended when that nice young man called me ma'am, it was just a shock to the system to suddenly realize I am no longer the sweet young thang I used to be!
Now, a question I've had for a while - what are the rules for revolving doors? If I were to let an older lady through first, that means she's got to do the pushing to get the door started. But I feel funny going first. Do I allow her to go first and give the door a little push to get it started? Where's Emily Post when you need her? x:-/
Thanks...I feel better now.
Works every time.