Convicts, jailbirds and delinquents . . .

I was hired by this company and told that it needed some structure in the HR Department. I AM the department, the first HR person this company has ever had. We are currently sitting at 38 employees. We have 3 sex offenders, (one is the owner's son), 2 people currently in jail (getting out on Huber, so of course, now their attendance is perfect), only six employees have perfect attendance, others have over 20 occurrances in the past 12 months, (including absent, tardy and leaving early). Nobody was ever fired (in five years) before I came along. NOW, I've put together a tracking / recording method for attendance. We have a policy that employees have signed off on, and they continue to be absent. I've fired 11 people so far, but when I let the supervisors know who is due for write-ups / discipline, they generally use "their discretion" because "when the employee is HERE, he's actually a good worker". Oh great. Keep in mind the employees all show up at the bar together after each shift, (occasionally with the owners and supervisors of the company; the owners are young and they party also, sometimes harder than the employees.) So, sometimes the humor isn't in the employees of the company, in my case it's in the company itself. I'm fighting a losing battle . . . can you feel it?
Actually, I used to work for one of this company's customers, so they knew that I was structured, straight-laced and consistent. The owner wanted me to come aboard to surround himself with people that are strong at the skills that he lacks. Little did I know that he and his co-owner are slackers. Thank goodness the customers don't get a peek at what these people are made of.
On the bright side, I'm building a direct-selling business separate from all of this and my goal is to be working for myself by July 2004 . . . if I can put up with these yahoos for that long. I just shake my head, do my darndest to get some structure built into this company so that when I leave they have something stable to build off of. I look at it as a huge challenge with a light at the end of the tunnel.
Huber is a program for jailbirds . . . they can get out of jail to come to work. Called a work-release program, more correctly it should be called jail-release program.