Violence in the Workplace Policy

I would like to include a Violence in the Workplace Policy in our employee manual. I am currently looking for sample policies to work from in order to write one effectively. Because I am not able to open attachments for security reasons, if anyone has one to share, please e-mail it in the body of the text to: [email][/email]
Thank you!
Thank you!
We have two Special Reports that address the issues of violence in the workplace, and also offer guidance for implementing a policy: The H in OSHA Stands for Health, and Workplace Violence & Employer Liability. If you are a Law Center member in your state you can access the Special Reports on this website. If you are interested in becoming a law center member, contact us at 800/274-6774.
In the meantime, check out the OSHA website at [url][/url]. They have a lot of helpful hints and have a model policy online.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor