Exempt/Non-Exempt, what am I?

My position is Personnel Associate, which currently is non-exempt. My responsibilities include payroll processing for approx. 280 employees on a bi-weekly basis, update all employee records, filing government reports, compile all info for Affirmative Action plan, sending monthly performance appraisals to managers, updating all job descriptions for company, background checks on new hires, calculating annual profit sharing. Have been employed for 26 yrs for a financial institution, 18 years in Personnel and am quite sure the position should be exempt. What do you think?
I recommend you discuss this with your supervisor because he/she should have been able to tell you straight out the differences and why one employee is termed a manager and "exempt" and another who does all of the physical activities for the organization and is "not exempt" form the rules and procedures of the Fair Labor Standards Act, a federal law.
If this is not what you were looking for in your post, then send us another concerning question and we will most likely tell you more than you want to know, but never the less this is the best place to get an education into the HR world of work!
Your day is already Blessed, you have found the library that is full of knowledge and some real concern for our fellow HR. Welcome to the forum.
...agree with all of the other posters -- non-exempt. But I must add that given your list of on-going duties and 18 years of experience, it appears to me that you have all of the right tools in your toolbox to market yourself at the next level. Did you ever think about taking your skills and experience somewhere else?
But, other questions: Do you supervise anyone? Do you have a college degree in what you do? Are you certified in any aspect of what you do? Who do you report to and are you in total control of the HR function with responsibilities of that function answerable to a managment group?
Welcome to the forum!
Classification into the EXEMPT world has all to do with the physical labor expended for a just rewarded income, which includes overtime or no overtime because one is classified as EXEMPT, from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Sorry, if that is not what you wanted to hear! I am interested in knowing, why you would have done all of these wonderful things for a just reward including overtime and now you want to give up overtime and keep doing the same thing for less money! What gives???
I am being closely monitored these days, the hair on my ole HOG neck is raised and ready for battle, but I am with out a weapon for battle or negotiation. The GOD like watch dog is protecting all of you young warriors, and you should be glad for it.
However, it does make a mess of thoughts and threads from time to time. At least my post are not monitored for dirty words, just the hard hitting ones.
This one may not make it either! I changed my name back to the 2nd name maybe the over seer will not notice.
It is a price we pay for our own mental protection.
For example, you process payroll, but do you make decisions as to how much anyone is paid? You send monthly performance appraisals to managers, but do you actually perform any appraisals your self? You perform background checks on individuals, but do you make a decision on who is hired based on the information you obtain?
I too have to say you are non-exempt. However, I don't see why everyone is so hung up on the fact that they aren't considered exempt. I would love to be non-exempt and receive overtime for the 5-15 hours a week I work over 40!!
You sound as if you are a very hard worker and a value to any organization. Keep up the good work!
E Wart
Pork; in the midst of all this rambling and posting before and after yourself, where do you come off with this sexist, presumptive remark? Do you always jump to such conclusions? Not only have you labeled someone you do not know anything about, a 'sweet lady', you have also completed a virtual performance review slotting him or her for a VP position. Damn your good! One, you do not know that she is a she or that she is a lady and two, you have no idea about her ability or qualifications to advance to a certain level in the banking industry.