Recruiting Strategies

Does anyone out there have creative suggestions for attracting applicants for a manufacturing company. I work for a rendering company (we process non-edible animal byproducts)and have trouble attracting qualified production candidates. Any suggestions as to where to advertise, low-cost incentives, etc. that might help us out?
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
I put a sign up on their bulletin board
in English and Spanish and have not
been disapointed in the response for
the past 6 years.
Many high schools have an OJT program and are always hungry for jobs, contact the office and ask for the Coordinator.
Post posters and flyers at area laundry mats and churches.
Do you have a military base close by? Family services can help you post jobs for spouses and dependents of military personnel.
United Way, Area Agency on Aging, Good Will are also good resources.