Halloween Dress Up

As much work as there is to be done, someone can always dream up more stuff to ask about? Do any of you ever have any requests from your staff to "dress up" at work for Halloween. I am talking about like you did when you were a kid going trick or treating! I don't have a problem with Halloween motif sweaters or autumn sweaters, but I do have issues with adults running around in a cardiology practice dressed up like witches or skeletons.
This "observance" is also offensive to some people.
Am I being a party pooper or what?
This "observance" is also offensive to some people.
Am I being a party pooper or what?
Most of our patients get a kick out of it, and I'm not aware of anyone expressing offense. Although I probably would not have supported this initial decision, we find an occasional fun day is an overall morale builder.
I am the H/R Manager for a large company. The tradition of dressing up in costume for Halloween is a long one at my company. I find in these times a little fun is needed. As I sit here in my fairy princess costume I tell those of you worried about it to not be so stiff! We are human after all and business suits are another kind of dress-up anyway! Out of 400 employees and many years we have never had anyone offended! Besides, my CEO looks very funny as a biker
We also hold a pot luck luncheon on Halloween and every employee brings something. We start off with breakfast foods, then hors d'oeuvres, then the luncheon. The employee draws out of a hat to see what item they will bring to the luncheon. Food preparation is done at home then brought in to the office for reheating.