AAP software

For those who must prepare the dreaded yearly affirmative action plan, what type of software do you use to track your activity and finally publish your plan? Does it compute your availability factor forms using the most current census? Do you have a ballpark figure of the cost of the software? Thanks.
It is a pain in the a$$ and definitely something that should be stopped. To me it's quite useless. Does anyone ever look at it except when you're being audited?
I'm developing everything from scratch.....job grouping, self-identify for race, sex, Vets, job categories, etc. before I even get to developing an acutual Plan. We don't gather this data currently from applicants/new hires, so I have my work cut out for me. I am also working with IT to set up tables (or whatever you call them) to input and collect this data as we move forward. I'm tired just thinking about it!
Everyone, enjoy the rest of the day and will be chatting with you again sometime.