AAP software

For those who must prepare the dreaded yearly affirmative action plan, what type of software do you use to track your activity and finally publish your plan? Does it compute your availability factor forms using the most current census? Do you have a ballpark figure of the cost of the software? Thanks.


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I did quite a bit of research during 2004. People Click and Berkshire were the two I concentrated on. Both were around $28-$30K. I would recommend that you just start contacting and pulling together your info based on your particular needs. There is alot to consider. By the way, I did not get to purchase any software. We will do it the "old fashion" way!
  • I found a website called "speedeeo" which you can use if you are a small employer with less than 150 employees. I am going through writing my first AAP for our company and it is really quite involved and time consuming. This website has online help which I have used as well. Hope this helps.
  • I never realized the software was that expensive. Guess I'll just continue to do it the old fashioned way too. It is very time consuming. Thanks for your replies.
  • Not being a smart a$$ but I use Microsoft Office 2000 and the old pencil and paper method. Some of the plan is in word and some of it is in excel, and some of the data comes from pencil and paper accounting of applicants. When-o-When will we be allowed to stop this nonsence of an AA plan? For my plan this past year I had to use 1990 census data because the 2000 data was not 'ready' yet. You know what they say, bad data in = bad data out. What a waste of my time that plan was. Maybe for my plan this year there will be good data to work with.
  • Safety: I do it that way as well. Some is in WordPerfect, some in Access, some in Excel. I send mine out for someone else to do the availability factor forms. I thought perhaps some software could make it a little less painful but at that cost--forget it.

    It is a pain in the a$$ and definitely something that should be stopped. To me it's quite useless. Does anyone ever look at it except when you're being audited?
  • I will check out that site! However, I am an employer with 5000 employees and 50-60 Plans!!! (Just became a Federal Contractor). We have elected to do just three or so. Most data does not exist and what does is spread out all over the place. As you can see, 2005 will be quite a challenge for me!
  • Who do you use to prepare your Availability Factor forms. I can use all the help I can find!

    I'm developing everything from scratch.....job grouping, self-identify for race, sex, Vets, job categories, etc. before I even get to developing an acutual Plan. We don't gather this data currently from applicants/new hires, so I have my work cut out for me. I am also working with IT to set up tables (or whatever you call them) to input and collect this data as we move forward. I'm tired just thinking about it!
  • We use our HRIS database which allows us to track applicant information in an Access Database. We attach the opportunity to self identify with all applications-for gender and race. Vets and disability info is only collected on new hires. I run all reports in Access and save as Excel spreadsheets and send off to our consultant who writes the plan for less than $5k. THe 2000 census is available, because we just went through and reclassified those that needed to be.
  • Thanks so much for your input. I will look into this soon! Looks like several of us learned something today.

    Everyone, enjoy the rest of the day and will be chatting with you again sometime.

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