Racial Epithet

I have a long-term (30+ year) employee who made a racial comment to some of my employees. They immediately came to me and told me what he said. After talking to several employees, I talked to the employee who made the comment. Of couse, he lied (big surprise). Now I have to finish my investigation and deliver the punishment. I feel immediate termination is in order, however, other managers feel that disciplinary suspension without pay would be better due to his long-term employment. Help! Anyone ever have this problem? x:-/
I agree with my friend Gillian3. Termination for a remark, first offense, 30 year employee is indeed to harsh a penalty. What was said and in what context and to whom or about whom?
(edit) Sorry, we posted at the same time. Termination is not warranted. Not knowing the employee's file, I think counseling is in order which I would probably advance to step 3 in our 5 step process.
Keep us posted as you proceed, again as I have often posted HRs should be a staff supporter whenever possible.
About a year ago a customer made a request of a busy 50 plus year-old caucasian male lead - about three years service - who responds (he says jokingly), "I'm not your n*****." He's gone.
A couple months ago, another employee - Native American, about three months service - said the same thing to another employee OVER THE RADIO. Another joke. Ha ha. He's gone.
Where do you draw the line at what is offensive enough for discharge, and what is less offensive for suspension?
In your case, they had only been employed for three years and three months, respectively. You don't have as much invested in these short-term employees as you do in one who has dutifully served for 30 years and screwed up on one occasion.
No, I think a suspension is enough to get this employee's attention.
In this context, what does zero tolerance mean? Zero tolerance for what? The N word? Anything related to race? The use of a slang term such as Chink? Calling someone nappy headed? Saying the word Honky? Saying 'You white folk'? Talking about Japs on December 7? Zero tolerance needs definition.
I my opinion zero tolerance is zero tolerance. The "N" word is inappropriate no matter how it comes out or where it is said. The person that made the comment about if "Black" people say it they should suffer the same consequences, you are darn right, they should. There is no justification for it no matter who saids it. I think the 30 yr employee should have been terminated the minute he said it. I wonder how he made it 30 years in that company having never been heard saying it before. IN MY OPINION People that say that word, don't just start saying it out of the blue, they have been saying it for a while and/or thinking it. Also inappropriate talk is inappropriate talk. Also guess what Don I have been called nappy headed at work and guess what my hair was and is nappy.
Saying "We are a zero tolerance company" has absolutely no meaning, as I pointed out in my prior message. It cannot apply only to what you call 'The N Word'. Nor can discipline be meted out based on your recollection of having been called nappy headed or what another poster said he had been called in his past. Those are emotional reactions and cannot float the boat in a viable HR Department. I do notice that the only times you have shown up to post is as an agitator and instigator. Perhaps you might decide one day to join in with a good, thoughtful question or some helpful suggestions to those of us who do pose questions.
Otherwise you can continue to peruse threads and selectively pick out the posts you don't like and insert your personal, emotional observations that offer nothing constructive.
Funny, I didn't get mad and call you names!!!!!(smile)
Also, DO not tell me when me when to post or what to post. If you don't like what I said, then please don't read it.