
Does anyone have a weapons policy that they can share? AZ has a concealed-carry. I have a
disgruntaled employee and the CEO went and
obtained her concealed-carry permit because of
this employee. We do have signs on our clinics
that state "no weapons". But there is not sign
on the corporate office. Shouldn't everyone be
treated the same?
disgruntaled employee and the CEO went and
obtained her concealed-carry permit because of
this employee. We do have signs on our clinics
that state "no weapons". But there is not sign
on the corporate office. Shouldn't everyone be
treated the same?
we've been considering adding a clause that permits those with a permit to bring their guns to work, but they must disclose this to our security staff and leave the weapon locked with security during their shift.
i'm not a great fan of this...but we're trying to be fair to those permitted to carry.
I would high tail it out of here if I thought any of these jokers had guns, locked up or not. :-S