Sick Leave Defined

Do you allow ee's to use sick leave, rather than vacation, when they are not personally sick? If so, does it extend to the illness of their child, spouse, parent, sibling? (The question is not referring to anything that would qualify under the FMLA.)
"Sick leave shall be considered a benefit and privilege and not a right for the employee to use at his/her discretion. Employees shall, therefore, utilize their accumulated sick leave allowance for absences due to such reasons as follows: personal illness or physical incapacity, exposure to a contagious disease thereby endangering the health of the other employees, personal illness within the immediate family when the employee’s presence is necessary to care for the ill family member, disability resulting from pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, enforced quarantine of the employee in accordance with community health regulations; or, to keep an appointment with a licensed medical doctor, dentist, or other recognized practitioner."
We have PTO, so employees can use it for any reason.
Back then, I didn't write the policies, just attempted to enforce them. x:)