Clunky Shoes

We have had a couple of incidents lately where employees (female) have been injured going down flights of stairs because of the backless "clunky" shoes that some women are wearing. This has caused at least two work injuries in the past couple of months.
Do any of you have anything in your dress code or any other policy that would prohibit the wearing of these shoes in the workplace?
Don't know how enforceable this would be or if there is any way to even prohibit this. (Seems to me the smart thing to do would be to hold onto the railing)
Do any of you have anything in your dress code or any other policy that would prohibit the wearing of these shoes in the workplace?
Don't know how enforceable this would be or if there is any way to even prohibit this. (Seems to me the smart thing to do would be to hold onto the railing)
Here's an idea: save the elevator installation expense and contract a charm school to come in and teach posture, poise, and grace.
By the way, those injuries would not be covered in Maryland.
edit: We focused on backless. The issue was not "clunky" here.
Just curious do you get around this being noncovered in Maryland?
We require closed shoes for all employees. You wanna wear something else at your desk fine, but if you leave your cubicle, the shoe best not "slap".
I am required to wear steel toed shoes, very attractive with a suit - but better that than drop a sheet of 1/2" glass on my toe.
I thought I'd closed the blinds.
On a more serious note - We wrote our policy to include all employees, office and production, so that there would be no questions.
>navy suit with laced up, calf-high, steel toes.
>They're a nice compliment to the french braid.
>None of the men where I work wear backless
>shoes. Or shirts. We're still behind some
>regions of the country. They all wear socks as
>well. Everybody in the manufacturing area must
>wear closed heel and closed toe, non-canvas
>shoes. The only stairs we have are to the gym
>and nobody wears stilettos to the gym unless
>it's the lady who carries that small whip in her
>leather purse. If this thread stays up long
>enough we'll be hearing from Pork about what the
>female pig-pullers are required to wear.
Don? None of the guys where you work wear shirts? I wanna come visit!
I have interviewed people wearing my suit, appropriate accessories and steel-toes shoes who have stared and stared at my feet (but are afraid to ask).
Shoe restrictions here apply to our Public Works, Police, and Parks & Recreation Department; not to administrative offices.
Anyway, the Oxfords would only apply if they were Manolo Blanicks.
And I have the solution to this entire dilemma - oxblood wingtips for everybody as a matter of policy! x;-)
Cheryl C.