Impending lay-offs

We will be laying off three full-time employees at the end of December. The three employees were selected because of performance issues.
Fortunately, this is something we have not had to deal with in the past. That is also the unfortunate part.
Any words of advice in dealing with those employees and their co-workers? Pitfalls to avoid?
Fortunately, this is something we have not had to deal with in the past. That is also the unfortunate part.
Any words of advice in dealing with those employees and their co-workers? Pitfalls to avoid?
I would advise being as up front as possible. If you're looking to separate these employees for performance, then don't give them the impression they could be recalled. Not only is this unfair to the employees involved, but creates morale issues for the remaining employees. (I speak from experience!)
Termination may be difficult, but in the long run it's better than stringing them along. Just be hope you have proper documentation of performance issues!
Another item to look out for is whether they fall into a protected class to protect against any subsequent discimination claims.