I am in a situation and need some assistance please. My owner is wanting to start bidding on Govt contracts, however, we do not currently fall under the requirement for a written Affirmative Action Plan. In order to even bid on these contracts we need to have this in place, so needless to say this is where I am. I have never written an AAP nor have I ever filed any of the reports, I have worked for 2 companies that had one already written and I had to maintain the records. Can anyone please give me some advice? Is there a sample AAP policy I could look at to get an idea of what I need to do? Does anyone know what all the reports are I will need to file and since I will be filing all those reports do we still need to file the EEO-1 report? Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
Thank you.
By the way, I thought you were only required to have an AAP in place within 120 days of commencing to work on a contract, unless you're in construction, where the rule might be different.
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Please be aware that there are a lot of consultants and companies that will sell you programs and plans. Not all of these are helpful or cost effective.
Good luck>
Vance Miller
Editor, Missouri Employment Law Letter
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
(314) 621-5070
Lots of HR people outsource the drafting of their AAP's because they require specific data about the make-up of the local workforce and explanations for all underutilizations. I have someone who does AAP's for my clients. If you want to outsource this, call me and I'll tell you about her.
Margaret Morford