I am in a situation and need some assistance please. My owner is wanting to start bidding on Govt contracts, however, we do not currently fall under the requirement for a written Affirmative Action Plan. In order to even bid on these contracts we need to have this in place, so needless to say this is where I am. I have never written an AAP nor have I ever filed any of the reports, I have worked for 2 companies that had one already written and I had to maintain the records. Can anyone please give me some advice? Is there a sample AAP policy I could look at to get an idea of what I need to do? Does anyone know what all the reports are I will need to file and since I will be filing all those reports do we still need to file the EEO-1 report? Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You can place a call to the office of the OFCCP, which is part of the Federal DOL. Look in the government pages for your capital city or ask information for DOL OFCCP. Tell them your company is looking to become a contractor and ask them to send you the relevant guidebook and info on your requirements for the AAP.
  • This is one of those areas in which it's really a good idea to bring in your employment law attorney.

    By the way, I thought you were only required to have an AAP in place within 120 days of commencing to work on a contract, unless you're in construction, where the rule might be different.

    Brad Forrister
    Director of Publishing
    M. Lee Smith Publishers

  • That may be, however, my owner wants it in place ahead of time. Thanks!
  • You really need to understand what you are doing when you put together an AAP. First, you have to know how many emplolyees you have. Second, you should be aware that the OFCCP takes the position that if one facility is covered, then all of your facilities are covered even if those facilities have nothing to do with the government contract. Third, there are different requirements for construction contractors. Fourth, I suggest that you contact NELI (National employment Law Institute), 1200 G Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C., 2005, 202-861-5665, and ask them if you can purchase the Affirmative Action Workbook for 2003. It should cost about $175 to $200.00. Fifth, I agree with Nonti, you should contact a employment law who works in this area to advise you.

    Please be aware that there are a lot of consultants and companies that will sell you programs and plans. Not all of these are helpful or cost effective.

    Good luck>

    Vance Miller
    Editor, Missouri Employment Law Letter
    Armstrong Teasdale LLP
    (314) 621-5070
  • Sheri,

    Lots of HR people outsource the drafting of their AAP's because they require specific data about the make-up of the local workforce and explanations for all underutilizations. I have someone who does AAP's for my clients. If you want to outsource this, call me and I'll tell you about her.

    Margaret Morford
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