Written warning

I am in the midst of organizing our personnel files and I came across one that I need some professional help on! One EE has a written warning in his file for misuse of email/internet. That is about all the warning says but there is a sealed envelope attached to it. I have no idea what is in the envelope and I am wondering if I should know what is in there and should we allow sealed documents in the file?
I can tell you that sealed envelopes can be as bogus as any other assertion being made by management. Once, as HR Director, I found a sealed envelope in the file of a Vice President, to whom I reported. I opened it and it said, "Don D sent X to my office to voice his H1B status concerns with me. If he is going to do that, what do I need Don D for?" I had not sent X to see the CEO, who penned the note. X had apparently gotten disenchanted with his lack of movement through the immigration pipeline and had gone into the CEO's office to bitch.
I requested conference with the CEO and told him it was based on misinformation and that it had no relationship to the truth. He apologized and told me to tear it up. This sort of weak management and lack of investigative approach is what encouraged me to seek other opportunities after saving that company probably three million dollars in labor law infraction cost avoidance.