Patriot Day-Religious Overtones

Is everyone honoring the moment of silence tomorrow for Patriot Day? I sent out an e-mail to all of our ee's, with the President's proclamation of Patriot's Day. The proclamation ends with, "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-eighth."
Do you think anyone will be offended by the wording, "in the year of our Lord.." I didn't think of that until after I sent it.
Also...on that topic, this past weekend my wife and I took our daughter to a theme park in Lancaster, PA. To our surprise, it was "Christian Family Day". Even though we are a Christian family and really enjoyed the day, I wondered how a public theme park could get away with such a seemingly politically incorrect occasion.
Do you think anyone will be offended by the wording, "in the year of our Lord.." I didn't think of that until after I sent it.
Also...on that topic, this past weekend my wife and I took our daughter to a theme park in Lancaster, PA. To our surprise, it was "Christian Family Day". Even though we are a Christian family and really enjoyed the day, I wondered how a public theme park could get away with such a seemingly politically incorrect occasion.
About the theme park, it was probably Dutch Wonderland, in the heart of Lancaster, PA which is Amish/Pennsylvania Dutch country. You'd be hard pressed to find too many people complaining on the theme-of-the-day having religious undertones.
I am sure the theme park was not checking for christian only membership cards at the door. I see nothing illegal about this. Many theme parks offer special events for other groups why not be fair. If they were turning away no-christians I might have a problem with it but when most theme parks have special events like this they usually don't care as long as you have your admission fees.
Personal opinion:
Being offended based on good information and understanding is one thing, but based on knee jerk reaction to a word, phrase, image, skin color, religion goes back to the KKK, Nazi party, or radicals of all groups. This shows ignorance and like-mindedness with the aforementioned groups.
Being new as a responder to the forum, it is apparent everyone excepts has at least one or two opinions. Who says HR professionals aren't human?
As to the theme park having "Christian Family Day", I wouldn't go to that park ever. However, it is not a government organization and it has the right to do so.
>that park ever.
To answer the original poster's concern, the theme park is not owned or operated by the government and could call it 'bovine pro-creation day' if it chose to.
As to the above post, I can't see the logic. Why would that offend me to the point where I would not want to go there and have a good time? This Saturday in Jackson, MS, half the town turns into the annual "Latino Festival". Should I refuse to go downtown Saturday and forever more under the unrealistic assumption that all other groups are somehow excluded from participating or that Latinos are being somehow promoted and recognized above and apart from other groups? Parks have days designated to recognize various groups who have probably reserved pavilions and paid for a large block of tickets. I fail to see the problem. Unless the sign were to proclaim, "Christians Only!". To step into another drum of dookey, what about never, ever going to Disneyworld again because they have 'Gay Day'? The rides are the same and the food is just as good and the fun to be had won't change, regardless of the marquis' message. Although I would not choose that particular day to go. I would wait for 'tatoo day'. x:-)
If an establishment had a "Jewish Day" or an "Islamic Day", I would probably stay away on those days, but would not be averse to going some other day. I'm not condemning Whatever for her position, though. What would bother me is if those opposed to "Christian Day", "Jewish Day", "Buddhist Day", or choose your opposition, picketed the establishment and tried to create a disturbance.
>10:58 AM (CST)[/font]
>I find it ironic that people out in the world preach everyone to be
>tolerant, but they are the same people who are always offended by
>something. What I've noticed is that I am suppose to be tolerant of
>gays, lesbians, colorful language, pre-marital sex, etc. but I can't
>mention God or religion because heaven forbid (oh, I can't mention
>heaven either) someone is going to be offended. What a terribly
>scewed up society we live in.
I couldn't agree more! This country went through hell 2 years ago and still people refuse to see that we need more than we can muster. Our country was founded on Christian values, and if it offends folks, oh well...There are a lot of things going on in this world that offend me too, but like you said we are suppose to be tolerant, so what's wrong with tolerance of Christianity? Jean in OR
What say you and I carpool to the first theme park that has a Gay/Lesbian/Jewish/Islamic/Offensive Language/Premarital Sex Day? That is...if we can find one half-way between NY and TX. Actually, since it would likely be closer to NY than TX, I'll come up your way. I always take any excuse to travel to NY.
Yes we did observe a moment's silence, gathered around our conference room and we lowered our flag for the day.
As for the reference to God, I just want to say to all the folks (yes I am from the South)...all of you who find the reference to God not 'politically correct', let me ask you a question: How much trouble is it to accept the money you receive for a paycheck at pay day? I bet not one of you refuse payment simply because "In God We Trust" is printed on all American monies.
So I say, I respect your lifestyle, you respect mine and shut up about God and Government, the very concept our Country was founded upon! Bet you remembered God on Sept. 11 or everytime you see of a death oversees if you have a loved one in Iraq. Korea or other hot spots.
And to those who don't like it, there are planes leaving as we speak flying to all those wonderful non oppressed countries. Get a ticket!