Supervising as the HR Manager
Do any of you have supervision responsibilities (other than a HR Assistant)? I recently took over the supervision of the Janitor and feel that this is not a good idea. The only recourse for the Janitor is to go to the Executive Director. I talked with the ED, but she doesn't feel this is a problem. Any comments/suggestions? Am I over-reacting?
Question 2: How many of them were carried off in a straight jacket?
Hey, Just wondering. :DD I'm in an unusually good mood today.
Who does HR go to when they have a problem employee???? Seems like counseling managers is what I do most. One more reason to keep us free from overseeing more than one really great employee.
Margaret Morford
I now have one person who reports to me (responsibilities split between payroll/purchasing/misc), and I have definitely adjusted my approach. It's much "easier" to dole out the advice regarding issues with OTHER supervisors' employees. Now, I often find myself getting "reality checks" from some of my peers when determining a course of action with my own employee.
While I still require documentation of every discussion, I am much less likely to say "write them up!" and more likely to say "let's put together a coaching session or an action plan" before writing them up.
I agree that having our own employee(s) helps us practice what we preach. It wasn't as simple as I'd believed in the past.
>is a lech, always leering and leaning over my desk. If this is what a
>boss is to do, I never to want to be that. She is supposed to be a
>manager and a lady. What would some of you do if this gets in the way
>of your job every day.
If it bothers you that much, you may want to look for another job. Not all bosses are this way!