Florida Right to Work

I was checking some of the posts in this web site and I found that a lot of the posts have many replies because the law applies different in each state.
I will like to find out if somebody can redirect me to an HR forum that focuses on the state of Florida.
Thank you in advanced,
I was checking some of the posts in this web site and I found that a lot of the posts have many replies because the law applies different in each state.
I will like to find out if somebody can redirect me to an HR forum that focuses on the state of Florida.
Thank you in advanced,
Florida is a right to work state if that was the question.
In lemon terms, what the Right to Work means in the state of Florida?
Thank you in advanced,
Right to Work in Florida has been incorporated into the state constitution, which says that a person's right to work shall not be denied or abridged because of union membership or non-membership. The effect of this is to ban union contracts calling for "closed shops" in which only union members may be hired or where new hires must join a union within a specified period of time.
Remember your Beck poster (about union dues). Whether union or not, last I heard, it was still a required workplace posting.